Divinely Inspired by Lambos and Bible Verses

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The Lamborghini Countach is known to some as the most iconic car in history. With its wedge design, rear-wheel-drive, and powerful, V-12 engine, this vehicle made its rounds through 80’s pop culture. Posters of the Countach adorned walls around the world, symbolizing innovation and inspiring countless car enthusiasts. Jack of South Asia is no exception. Ever since childhood, Jack has been fascinated with cars and by the tenth grade, he made up his mind to pursue the world of automobiles.

After high school, however, it appeared that Jack's dream may never be realized. First, he discovered that colleges with auto engineering degrees were limited so he settled for mechanical engineering. Then, when he could not find a job in his desired field, he conceded to join his dad's school bus business. The family business and its dependence on Jack grew over time. He started to feel quite trapped when two life changing events took place one after the other- a Tentmakers’ training and Covid-19. Through Tentmakers, Jack learned more about the Gospel and the concept of glorifying God in the marketplace. With the family business closed down, he had plenty of time to reflect on the lessons and what they mean for him.

Following Jesus

Before we delve into business ventures, we must go back to appreciate Jack's faith journey. He was raised in a household of a different faith, but it appears that Christ Jesus marked his life from the beginning. He was born in a Christian hospital, sent to a Christian school, and had an absolute affinity for churches. Furthermore, Jack frequently called upon the name of Jesus, though no one taught him to pray. Then, in 2018, Jack reconnected with his born-again crush from school, Ruth. Her encouragement and strong faith motivated Jack to dive deeper into his beliefs.

Fast forward about a year and Jack was fully pursuing the Lord for himself and realizing God’s call on His life. God revealed He wanted Jack not only designing cars, but also building them from scratch! In October of 2020, Jack officially received Christ into his life and purchased the first component for his new car design. 

Electric Vehicle Startup

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Jack and Ruth, now married, are running a startup building electric three-wheelers. Their first prototype is called G-11 and with a nod to the Countach, its design features straight lines and a flatter hood. Jack plans to first market the 2-seater trike for campus security guards to validate the product before producing a road-legal version to market for tourism. Instead of relying on rickshaws or motorbikes, travelers will have the option of renting the trike and experience "the thrill of driving" for themselves. Finally, after an increase of interest and revenue, Jack plans to release a version for the general public.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19

In many ways, Jack's vision goes against the traditions of the local industry. Gas-powered motorbikes currently dominate roads as the most accessible (and most dangerous) form of transportation. This leaves the average consumer with little else to turn to. In such a densely populated country, lines at gas stations are excessively long and inconvenient for drivers. Rather than improving upon what is, the Lord has gifted Jack with vision for what could be. These trailblazing electric trikes consider safety and will not contribute to the global expenditure of gasoline.

As for powering the batteries, instead of charging stations, Jack foresees a kind of "battery swapping station". While the owner would be able to charge the vehicle's battery with a home outlet overnight, it might not sustain a full day's use. When needed, the driver could pull up to a station to swap out the depleted battery with a charged one in just three minutes.

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For God's Glory

The Countach wasn’t the only source of inspiration for the G-11. Tentmakers training established a foundational principle for Jack: whatever he pursues must ultimately be used to spread the Gospel. With that mentality, he named the prototype after Genesis 1:1, marking the beginning of his car-design journey. Jack will continue integrating scripture into future design names so that when people inquire, he can share the Word of God.

Sometimes we think if God has given us a dream, it will be easy to fulfill. More often than not, the reality is quite the opposite, much like Jack and Ruth have discovered. Though they have encountered numerous trials and financial setbacks in their journey, their faith in God has upheld them. For them, living in luxury is not the goal. In all their endeavors, Jack and Ruth seek to glorify God and serve the community. They not only give tithes out of their company's profit, for example, but also out of their individual salaries. Faithful to His call, Jack and Ruth forge ahead as vehicular visionaries for the glory of God, rather than their own gain.