A Generation Transformed by Grace


If you had told seventeen year old Lucas that one day he’d be a missionary, he probably would have laughed. Struggling with addiction and disinterested in God, he only first went to Peru to earn the favor of his then-girlfriend’s family. The Lord, however, had other plans. In that short time, Lucas connected with the founders of Genesis Church, Nelton and Bethany, and encountered God for the first time. There began a life-changing journey that would eventually bring him back to Peru full time. 

Returning from that first trip, Lucas knew he wanted more of the Lord. He contacted Nelton and Bethany and asked to spend the next three months under their mentorship. Lucas experienced the impact of their ministry home firsthand, got inner healing, and grew in the knowledge of Christ. Over the next couple years, Lucas went back and forth between college in the US and pursuing opportunities with Genesis Church. In 2017, Lucas officially moved to Peru, working towards gaining residency.

Ministry and Ministry Home

Apart from becoming director of worship, creative arts, graphic design, and social media, Lucas also wanted to continue what he saw Nelton and Bethany doing with a ministry home. With a heart for kids with traumatic backgrounds, Lucas opened up his house to boys in need, spiritually adopting them. Today, Lucas operates the home under his ministry and creed, Transformed by Grace.

His goal is to provide holistic care. Lucas works to get the young men back into school and improve their livelihoods overall. By caring for their physical and emotional needs first, the boys are more open to hearing the gospel later. He also guides his spiritual sons to get involved in their areas of interest. Many come to realize their purpose and see that they have talents to offer the world.

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While it is not a condition for any of the kids to be Christians, they are often invited to prayer, group devotional time, and different aspects of ministry. Through Lucas’ life, the young men witness what a true relationship with Jesus looks like every day. To God's glory, the current occupants are now following Christ and are busy with their own ministries investing into the lives of others.

Future Rehab Center

Over the years, Lucas has hosted around fourteen boys who have affectionately deemed him "Papá". Though many of the boys have returned to drugs, Lucas continues faithfully in what God has called him to do. Even in the hardships, he finds comfort knowing that God loves these young men more than he is able. While other rehab programs do exist, most are government-funded doing little to truly improve the lives of its residents. In some cases, they actually do more damage. Through these centers, a few of the boys have gained more drug-related contacts or even starved due to lack of food. Lucas is currently dreaming of one day running a rehab center which truly cares for recovering addicts.


Building Up Others in Business

The Peruvian understanding is that being Christian means accepting a life of poverty. It is not common for believers there to pursue business or other financial opportunities. Conversely, Lucas believes that Christians should absolutely study and take the opportunities they can. By being blessed, believers can be a blessing and make a real difference in society. Lucas’ dedication to the growth and well-being of these young men is not just for their own benefit, but also for the good of those around them. 

With that mindset, Nelton and Lucas run a micro loan program through which people can borrow money to start big or small businesses. From a chicken farm and barber shop to a clean drinking water plant and taxi service, individuals are launching out into their own self-sustaining pursuits. The program has even helped some of Lucas' spiritual sons begin their own businesses!

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The Lord is truly using Lucas to make a profound impact in Peru. Though it was not the direction his life initially appeared to be heading, God's redeeming hand prevailed. How beautiful it is to offer Christ our simple obedience and then witness His glory displayed through our weakness! As Lucas' life testifies, God is faithful and will accomplish the work He began (1 Thessalonians 5:24 and Philippians 1:6).

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