Business-Focused Ministry in SE Asia

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When you think of the word “ministry”, what immediately comes to mind? For myself, I picture an organization that shares the gospel with people through service projects. Perhaps you thought of something similar like a non-profit dedicated to aiding orphans in Iran. Or maybe you pictured Jesus healing the blind man in Jericho.

It often seems “ministry” is not brought up synonymously with “workplace”. For Tentmakers and Business With Purpose, however, ministry looks like reaching others with the gospel through building up individuals to run God-glorifying businesses. Through various trades, individuals and communities alike are benefiting from the resources brought in and the light of Christ shared in an otherwise untouched field.

Call to Business for God's Glory

In SouthEast Asia, entrepreneurship is culturally regarded as a last resort rather than a primary aspiration. Even more disparaging, the general public often perceives businesspeople as crooks and cheats. Despite being an honest man, Vasant felt the weight of this stigma and believed the highest calling was serving God through ministry, another cultural mentality. Through a Bible-based program conducted at the training center he worked for, Vasant learned that God did not condemn business nor the resources He blessed people with. Rather, God cared very much for the marketplace and longed to use it for His kingdom. In 2010, God called Vasant to the world of business.

Over the next several years, Vasant encountered the joys and challenges of entrepreneurship while only having limited knowledge of the field. The Lord guided Vasant along the way, but the desire for more formal training never diminished. Specifically, Vasant longed for a Christian to teach him business with Biblical principles. In 2015, his prayer was answered when a friend introduced him to Mickelson of Tentmakers Ministry. The experience changed Vasant's trajectory forever.

Mission of Business With Purpose- SE Asia

"And there you and your households shall eat before the LORD your God, and rejoice in all to which you put your hand, in which the LORD your God has blessed you."

Deuteronomy 12:7

From receiving the teachings to eventually leading the sessions, Vasant and his team have since become their own entity, Business With Purpose- SouthEast Asia. Their desire is to do all that God calls them to do and multiply outwardly to see the Gospel spread. Through the teachings on the Bible and business, BWP-SE Asia is building up entrepreneurs to utilize the blessings of God and bring Jesus to the marketplace. Further, these students are learning to walk in the truth that business is not a shameful endeavor. With traits like integrity, compassion, and stewardship, students of BWP-SE Asia are rising up distinctly different from their colleagues and competitors.

As they move forward in their ventures, several students find ways to creatively incorporate the Gospel message. One woman, for example, began making journals and planners. She wondered how her work could contribute to God's restorative process on the earth, and employed a couple of strategies. The businesswoman not only began praying over the notebooks but also started including a page with the text "All things are possible". When customers ask about the meaning of the text, the door is opened for sharing scripture.

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Encouragement for Ministers

Businesspeople are not the only ones benefiting from BWP-SE Asia. At the core of the ministry is the passion to see the light of Christ shed as far and wide as possible. In the last two years, adversaries have risen up against Christians, threatening ministers and destroying churches. In desperation, some believers have suggested turning back to their old, traditional religion. Not only has BWP-SE Asia taught these weary ministers alternate ways of providing for their families, but has also led the burdened back to a foundation of Truth. 

One participant stated he previously believed that God was distant from the difficulty he was facing. After the attending the BWP-SE Asia training, he was excited to go back home and preach the Gospel to his congregation with renewed hope that God will make something beautiful from the situation. Several other training attendees have since reported growth in their churches as they shared the lessons with their assemblies. 

Sacrificial Devotion

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Based in a society in which business is viewed a sinner's profession and Biblically-founded business trainings are unheard of, BWP-SE Asia is affecting people, livelihoods, and cultural norms with the empowering Truth. Even with its own financial troubles, BWP-SE Asia champions a “blessed to be a blessing” mentality and readily contributes to others in whatever capacity God directs. Vasant trusts God and knows that BWP-SE Asia ultimately belongs to Him. Vasant's attitude, as much as his devotion, testifies that God is faithful. We pray for provision, protection, and multiplication of the fruit born through BWP-SE Asia.