Connecting Lives to Hope

Hope Connection Ministry's  is a multi-facited ministry with the vision of:

          Connecting people with the sure source of Hope, Jesus Christ.
...In Him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Colossians 2:2-3)

Hope Connection Bagnes

Under the direction of Bob and Laura Bagne, the Hope Connection is making a profound impact on entire families, transforming lives by connecting them to the sure source of hope: Jesus.

"Many of the ministries we offer are essentially spiritual life coaching, which both Laura and I do. These are ongoing relationships that help people or groups to produce extraordinary results in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And beyond that, training people to share their testimony of what Jesus has done for them with others, as that is the great commission that (Matthew 28) tells us all to do."                                                                                    Bob Bagne

Together, they write The Hope Connection, daily devotionals, provide one-on-one mentoring and encouragement, lead addiction support groups, offer Christ-Centered Business Consulting, conduct an Inner Healing ministry, and Bible Studies, and are mentors for Teen Challenge.

Addressing Trauma Through Inner Healing

One facet of Hope Connection includes a program of Inner Healing which is dedicated to assisting women in overcoming trauma, utilizing scriptural principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Laura Bagne leads this program using techniques like active listening and prayer to promote healing.   It addresses the deep-seated traumas that many people carry from childhood, providing a path to healing for those who feel they missed out on essential nurturing.  Laura's expertise is backed by her training from the Elijah House Ministry Program, which equipped her to offer effective support.

Prayer during an Inner Healing session
Prayer during an Inner Healing session

In 2018, Laura was invited by Christ Church to establish an inner healing team which is now comprised of five dedicated women.

Aiding Addiction Recovery

Bob and Laura also help to maintain addiction support groups, an initiative sparked by their daughter's battle with drug addiction.  This Recovery Ministry features many success stories, including Jacky, a former addict who now plays a vital role in the ministry by helping others in overcoming addiction.  Jacky also helps direct others to an Inner Healing program for further support.

While there are many victories, the journey is not without its challenges. Many individuals often relapse into addiction, commonly triggered by unresolved trauma and overwhelming pressures.  Without continued guidance, many find it easy to fall back into addictive behaviors.  Typically, eighteen months of recovery is insufficient. Once they complete the program, many require after care of ongoing mentorship and discipleship.

From their work with addicts, Bob and Laura saw the need to start a home church tailored for people in recovery, to create a supportive community that promotes long-term healing and spiritual growth.

Bob and Laura covet your prayers for the recovery and continued progress of addicts and those dealing with trauma within their rehabilitation programs and those that have graduated.

Other Avenues of Ministry

Bob digitally connects with a large number of individuals, sharing the light of Christ. His daily devotionals reach an audience of 20,000 via Facebook and LinkedIn.  He also mentors ministry leaders and offers spiritual guidance by distributing Spiritual growth materials online.

Bob has also been instrumental in launching other ministries such as:

      The Launching Pad for Men, who's  purpose is

  • Provide a safe setting in building a solid foundation for learning, ministry & relationships.
  • Teaching Christian Biblical standards and principles with expectation that they will turn around and apply what they learn to their daily lives.
  • Show men the Father’s unfailing love through His mercy and compassion. Understanding that we need the Holy Spirit as well as the Word of God working together to empower them to utilize their God-given gifts.

       Community Hope Fest who's purpose is:

                      Bringing the hope of Christ through live music, fun, and free food

Bob has been the Coordinator of the Community Hope Fest, a summer festival that happens on a Sunday afternoon in August.  Community members are invited to participate and enjoy festivities for family members of all ages.

Community Hope Fest works with the Market Place and local ministries who provide community connections and resources.  We collaborate with local churches for events, ministries, and educating each other.  This is a safe place for families to come and find Hope in Jesus.


Seeking God's Guidance

Bob and Laura are also seeking God's guidance for the direction of their ministry in the coming months and praying for His provision to continue their work.