Easter in a Closed Nation

Closed-Nation (1)

Last April, the impossible became reality. In a closed nation of SouthEast Asia, God brought ministers together to organize a monumental Easter Sunday event. As one body, pastors shared the Gospel, volunteers ran a blood drive, and the crowd joined in worship. With an audience of 40,000, the glory of God shone brightly amongst great darkness.

In 2023, when the leaders first met to discuss such an idea, Sang had no intention of becoming the organizer. Truthfully, no one wanted to bear the weight of the massive event they were brainstorming. After months of stagnancy, the Lord prompted Sang's heart to oversee the project.

Prayer was the first objective as Sang was unwilling to move forward without God's assuring presence. Once met, Sang then got to work organizing teams, delegating tasks, sharing the vision, raising funds, and locating a venue. Meanwhile, anticipation for the festival grew as leadership made announcements to their congregations. Church goers surely looked forward to attending themselves, but were rightfully concerned about inviting non-believers. Not only had their government restricted evangelism, but it also recently imprisoned a number of pastors. Even still, many brave individuals reached out to those who seemed open towards Christianity and/or curious to learn more. 

Trials Overcome and God Glorified

Example of the usual dust and pollution
Example of the usual dust and pollution
Clear skies on the day of worship
Clear skies on the day of worship

In this region, thick dust and pollution often cover the sky and obscure the beautiful scenery. Surrounding mountains further insulate air flow making the event location hazy with sweltering heat. To add to the trouble, Sang got sick and could not speak two days before the event. Without any sign of either circumstance improving, the leadership team decided to get together to pray. Graciously, God answered their prayers in His perfect timing. Rain came in and washed away the pollution, displaying His glory through the fully visible blue sky, green grass, and snow-capped mountains. Additionally, Sang received an herbal medicine and his voice returned Easter morning!

During the event itself, leadership adhered to the anti-conversion laws and refrained from offering a call for salvation. They still found a way, however, to make the celebration meaningful. In addition to sharing the Word and worship, coordinators had free New Testaments available and hosted a blood drive in the midst of service as a way to give back to the community. The blood drive furthermore served to creatively acknowledge Christ's act of shedding His blood for all mankind. Out of the thousand that gave blood, an impressive eight-hundred were deemed suitable for donation.

Community Reach

Regarding outreach, a march with posters and release of a balloon stating “Happy Easter, Jesus is the Risen Lord” effectively drew the city’s attention. Even the large audience itself testified of Christ. As the festivities came to an end and the 40,000 began to disperse, one of the police officers remarked that it was the best crowd he’s ever dealt with. Their calm and peaceful demeanors impressed him knowing if they were not Christian, he would have had a hard time directing them all. 

Remarkably, the Easter message extended far beyond the one hosting city. Media coverage by several outlets broadcasted the event and the name of Jesus Christ throughout the whole nation. In the weeks following, Sang was even recognized on the streets from the celebration and was greeted reverently. This increased visibility has also enhanced the credibility of Sang’s ministry among other organizations, magnifying God's work in the hidden regions.

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Unity of the Body

There have been many benefits of working alongside multiple churches and ministries. Firstly, it made a way for curious individuals to find connection in their own towns. Effective follow up for those wanting to know more became a lighter, shared responsibility. Secondly, Sang affirmed that working together, regardless of denominational differences, displayed the Lord's great glory to the nation. There was a power in unity that people clearly saw! Let us take heed to Sang's experience and remember that as one accord, we can accomplish much for the kingdom of God.