Empowering Communities Through Christ-Centered Businesses in Sierra Leone


Jonathan Fitha spent many years in the corporate sector, working at a bank in Freetown before resigning to start his own logistics company. Although his business initially thrived, it eventually failed. During this challenging period in his life, while on a trip to Bo, Jonathan experienced divine direction. He felt God clearly instruct him not to return to Freetown. This significant event marked a turning point, leading him to embrace pastoral ministry in Bo.

In 2021, Jonathan participated in a transformative Tentmakers training program that greatly influenced his ministry approach. Inspired by the training, he founded Business With Purpose (BWP) – Sierra Leone, officially registered in March 2023. BWP – Sierra Leone dedicates itself to training aspiring entrepreneurs to run Christ-centered businesses that serve the community through evangelism, discipleship, and caring for the underserved and needy. The group’s flagship Tentmakers workshop provides community members with the necessary skills to launch and manage businesses that benefit not only themselves but also the community and God’s work. Participants prepare business plans, and those with feasible proposals receive initial capital needed to start their businesses.

Shaping Young Lives

Beyond training and supporting individuals to start missional businesses, BWP – Sierra Leone is passionate about children's ministry, driven by a deep-seated belief in shaping young lives through discipline and biblical principles. As stated in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The organization plans bi-monthly meetings for children in Simbaru 2, where they share the Gospel, pray with the children, and offer encouragement.

Prison Outreach in Bo

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Another critical area of BWP – Sierra Leone's ministry is the prison outreach in Bo. Motivated by Christ’s teachings in Matthew 25:40 that whatever we do for one of the least of our brothers and sisters, we do it for him, the ministry staff visit the main prison twice a month, sharing hope through the Gospel and providing much-needed food and essentials as conditions in these facilities are dire. BWP – Sierra Leone also plans to offer the Tentmakers training for inmates nearing release. This is motivated by the understanding that ex-prisoners often face discrimination and exclusion, leading to reoffending and ending up back in prison due to the challenges of securing lawful employment. Currently, Jonathan can only visit male inmates. However, he is hopeful that a female colleague will soon join him to help extend the ministry to the women's section.

Fostering Community Connections

The impact of BWP – Sierra Leone is already evident. The Tentmakers training has not only imparted crucial knowledge but also fostered community connections. The organization’s work has transformed lives, with 40 individuals trained in missional business and two financially supported in starting their businesses. This includes Amie, who now runs a thriving second-hand clothing business. The organization plans to continue expanding this program, hoping to train 15-20 more entrepreneurs in the coming months.

Despite these impactful programs, BWP – Sierra Leone faces several challenges, primarily the overwhelming workload for Jonathan and a lack of workers for the harvest that leaves him feeling the strain of managing numerous initiatives single-handedly. Financial support also remains a constant concern, with funds needed to sustain and expand BWP – Sierra Leone’s activities.

Throughout these initiatives, BWP – Sierra Leone’s commitment to reaching the overlooked with spiritual encouragement and practical support serves as a powerful force for hope and change within Sierra Leone.