Humility, Success, and Pork Pickle

Business owner displays his product

Hebol did not always dream of making pork pickle. Growing up with culinary parents and an expectation to do well in business, his initial goal was to change the street food culture. Unfortunately, the pandemic caused disruptions and he could not continue the venture. In the midst of this letdown, Hebol's friends started asking for pork from their hometown. He initially made smoked pork to batch out to them until he discovered it spoiled in shipment. The friends then encouraged him to pickle the pork and a new venture was born.

For Hebol, pickling is not just about making money. He learned through many setbacks that the goal of financial gain leads to devastation. Through the training of Business With Purpose- SE Asia and Tentmakers, the Lord redirected Hebol's ambition towards glorifying God in the marketplace. This new awareness compelled him to assist widows by hiring them as his working staff. Under his leadership, these women have the opportunity to hear the Gospel while earning their own income.

Working with Excellence

Hebol also learned that he can honor God by refusing to cut corners. For example, he chose to use glass for packaging rather than the plastic often used by his competitors. Though more expensive, glass jars are more sustainable and prevent any risk of contamination and consumption of microplastics. With this one decision, Hebol faced his first challenge- the mindset of people. Over and over, customers were choosing economy over safety and yet, he refused to compromise.

Hebol's steadfastness paid off. Over time, glass jars proved to be a fantastic marketing strategy as a finished, empty container remains with the consumer as a reminder to buy more. In his own words, “Glass stays as a friend”. Observing Hebol's success, surrounding picklers are trading in their harmful plastic containers for glass jars as well! 

Hebol Still 11 (1)

Lessons Learned

All through childhood, Hebol had an awareness of Christianity as endorsed by his Christian mother and missionary uncle. Hebol interacted with many ministers through the years and certainly knew of God, but he did not make his own decision for Christ until 2009. Several more years went by before he learned the importance of putting God first in everything.

Hebol used to manage his ventures through his pride. The instant success of pork pickle was alluring as friends shared with friends and online orders went through the roof in only a three-month’s time. He viewed his fortunes as “self-made” and believed he could do everything himself. When his partners suddenly backed out on him and his new store failed, Hebol realized he was not, in fact, the source of his initial prosperity. 

Now operating under humility, Hebol's vision is expanding to more than just pickling. He currently manages a cloud kitchen that specializes in ethnic and traditional meals while working towards reviving the pickle venture back to its glory days. With his foundation and faith set in God, he sees clearly that any gain comes from God alone. 

Cloud Kitchen

A delivery-only restaurant that has neither dining areas nor a physical storefront.

Hebol reflects that life with God is an adventure in which nothing is wasted. Through trials, God has given him the opportunity to learn, grow, and express humility. He now practices praising God first, as modeled by the Lord’s prayer, no matter the circumstances. In shifting the focus off himself and praying for the needs of others, Hebol encounters the deep, ministering love of God. Compelled by such overflow, he now acts as a bridge for people to the love of Christ, teaching confidence and becoming a dear friend. Whether good times or bad, let us follow by Hebol's example and praise the Lord through it all.