Lessons from Serving the Underground Church

Throughout his early life, Al Baanna had no real vision apart from enjoying a comfortable, sinful existence. At middle age, he was doing very well for himself in the international business world. He knew of God, but did not have a personal relationship with Christ. When his stepson invited him and his wife, Betty, to an evangelical church in 1979, God hit Al with truth like a bolt of lightning. He finally realized his need for Christ and soon after, received an open-ended call into ministry.

After wrestling with God, both Al and Betty gave the Lord their ‘yes’. Without knowing what, where, or when He might lead, they agreed to follow. In God’s timing, He led a Romanian refugee, Alex, to the church that the Baannas had just joined in North Dakota. Alex shared his heart to see the Gospel spread in his persecuted nation. He also expressed the dire need of his fellow Romanians for Biblical training and literature. Seeing God’s hand, the Baannas responded to the message with tremendous excitement and quickly began preparations.

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The Eastern Europe Experience

Bold and still new to their faith, Al and Betty launched out to Austria in 1983, beginning a decades-long adventure. They started with a six-month vision trip driving a van through communist Eastern Europe to meet with various believers. During this expedition, the Baannas learned about the needs of the people, gained unexpected training in preaching sermons with short-notice, and experienced the daily struggle of life under communism firsthand. From extended lines for mere bread to constant concern for safety, the Baannas realized comfort was not a high priority for the Lord.

Baanna's with their van used during six-month trip
Baanna's with their van used during six-month trip
The team's office building in Vienna
The team's office building in Vienna

Once they returned to Vienna, Al and Betty met with a mission organization doing "underground" secret seminary level training of church leaders in Eastern Europe. In discussing the role that Al might fill, the team decided "Director of Distribution", or in other words, "Chief of Smuggling Operations" fit best and would fill a great need. In this role, Al's responsibilities included planning and overseeing the smuggling of two million seminary level church leader training materials into- and the distribution within- communist Eastern European countries and all across the Soviet Union.

These materials were vital for supporting the development of healthy, growing churches. The church leaders involved in this training, however, faced the prospect of arrest and imprisonment if caught. Al came to learn through the numerous threats involved in this work that fearing God was much more important than fearing man. After all, man could only kill the body (Matthew 10:28). 

As for Betty, ongoing health issues made it hard for her to physically handle all the difficult travel.  Hindsight revealed, however, that her limitations in that area encouraged her all the more to play the vital role of covering the team in prayer.

Insight Gained

Al learned many lessons during his work with the underground church that would help shape his ministry vision and mission. He adopted the message of 2 Timothy 2:2, for example, understanding he cannot simply fill people with head knowledge. Instead, he must lead others through true discipleship. Additionally, the common mantra in the main office was “Know, Be, Do,” as in “Know the Bible,” “Become Like Christ,” and “Apply the Truth to Reach Others.” With these principles, Al developed a desire to see believers transform into the likeness of Christ and multiply through reaching and discipling others.

He also learned he could not forge ahead and do everything on his own. Working alongside so many different believers helped Al better understand prayer and the truth that we are all part of a global church! As such, we must support and rely on one another in order to fulfill God’s purpose of multiplying disciples. If we are the body of Christ, the needs, struggles, and joys of one are shared among us all.

Furthering God’s Work from the US

After the revolutions and fall of the Iron Curtain, there was no longer a need for underground mission work. Al then transitioned to helping other ministries get up and running in the Baltic countries. A short time later, Betty’s cancer treatment and their parents’ need for assistance beckoned the Baannas back to the States. In 1993, they made their primary home in the U.S. once again, while continuing frequent overseas trips to work with church leaders. Since then, Al has been involved in beginning and serving in leadership of two other ministry organizations, including Serving Workers for the Harvest.

Al Preaching in Kenya
Al Preaching in Kenya

In Al’s encounters, he found that many well-meaning individuals called to ministry have a difficult time creating and maintaining the support they need to thrive. Additionally, those working alone often become discouraged and overwhelmed. Thus, SWH's mission is to evangelize the unreached, disciple and strengthen believers in their walk with God, and multiply kingdom-minded workers around the world. To achieve this, SWH aims to provide ongoing member care, exposure, and legal structure required for operating a ministry that the Great Commission might be fulfilled through them.

Al is now working on publishing his book that Betty began, that further details their time in communist Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. He also continues to lead SWH and prays that God would multiply the ministry globally to serve more of His workers. With unique callings, gifts, and talents, we each have a part to play in bringing God’s light to the darkness. Ultimately, the body of Christ is built for active participation; not standing on the sidelines.