OLCAP’s Bible Donation Helps Spread God’s Word in Rural Kenya

Women with their donated Bibles
Women with their donated Bibles

In the heart of rural Kenya, where access to resources is limited, the opportunity to own a Bible is a much-welcomed blessing. For many residents, the cost of a Bible, over $8, is simply out of reach. Recognizing this profound need, the Organization of Local Communities Against Poverty (OLCAP) has taken significant steps to bring the Word of God to these communities, aiming to reach people with the gospel of Christ and help disciple believers in their faith journey.

OLCAP's mission is rooted in the transformative power of scripture. The organization believes that access to Bibles can offer spiritual nourishment and guidance to those who need it the most. Through the Bible donation program, OLCAP purchases Bibles in different languages, including English, Swahili, and Luhya, and distributes them to individuals who cannot afford one.

This initiative is more than just a charitable act but serves as a lifeline of hope and a source of strength for many. As stated in the Bible, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope" (Romans 15:4).


The impact of this program is profound. Recipients of the Bibles have reported significant spiritual growth and newfound encouragement from the Scriptures. For many, this is the first time they have owned a Bible.

Marysa, one of the Bible recipients, shares her testimony: "I used to borrow a Gideon’s Bible with only the New Testament from a neighbor for just two days at a time, reading it as much as I could before returning it. In 2022, OLCAP gave me a new Bible, and I cried tears of joy. I had never owned a Bible before then, but now I read it constantly and find answers to many of life’s challenges. I am confident that heaven is my future."

Marysa receives a Bible after a Sunday service
Marysa receives a Bible after a Sunday service

Seventy-four-year-old Alphonce is another notable beneficiary of the Bible distribution by Lukanji Community Church when it launched in March 2024. Initially unfamiliar with the Bible, Alphonce began reading it passionately, which led him to join the church. Today, he is a devoted member of the congregation attending weekly prayer, Sunday services, and Bible studies. His wife observed the transformation in him and testified to how salvation has come to their home through the opportunity of having and reading the Bible. Alphonce recently brought his two sons into the church, and his wife plans to join them.

Marysa and Alphonce’s stories are not unique. Numerous individuals in Lukanji have experienced a renewed sense of hope and direction through the Bible donation program. For many, owning a Bible for the first time opens up a new world of understanding and connection with God. They find solace in the verses, strength in the promises, and guidance in the teachings.

Bible Study

OLCAP's commitment to this cause is unwavering. The organization continuously works to ensure that as many people as possible have access to the scriptures. But that's not all they do. OLCAP goes beyond mere distribution and into discipleship, helping new believers grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible through weekly Bible study groups. This holistic approach ensures that recipients do not just receive the book but have the opportunity to interact with and understand the word to apply to their daily lives.

Men’s Bible study group in session

The Bible donation program has also fostered a sense of community and support among the recipients. As people come together to study the Scriptures, they build relationships and support networks that further enhance their spiritual journey, bringing individuals closer to each other and to God.

OLCAP's Bible donation program is not only addressing a material need but also fulfilling a spiritual one. Families who once struggled with despair and uncertainty now find themselves anchored in faith. Children are growing up in homes where the word of God is a central part of daily life, instilling in them values and principles that guide their actions and decisions. The organization's dedication to spreading the gospel and discipling believers is making a tangible difference in the lives of many. We pray the Bibles continue to deepen believers' knowledge of God and strengthen their faith, bringing hope and encouragement in rural Kenya.

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