Global Advancement Initiative

In a world where the majority has yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, the need for global outreach is urgent. According to Advancing Native Missions (ANM), "Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the Gospel." Joshua Project reveals that 68.6% of the 10/40 Window's ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion. This staggering statistic underscores the absence of a thriving local church movement in these ethnic groups.


SWH is uniquely positioned to address this challenge through our global advancement strategies. Drawing on the experience of our founders, who successfully navigated resource channels behind the iron curtain during the Cold War, our team excels in reaching unreached and closed-off spaces. The teams we collaborate with are carefully vetted, demonstrating a strong commitment to discipleship. Positioned on the 'frontier,' many of them serve as the furthest outpost of gospel work in their respective countries, eagerly looking forward to bringing the gospel to neighboring villages and communities that have 'yet to hear.'

Our teams employ a multifaceted approach in each mission field, leveraging the gifts and talents of local believers. We connect them to our network, providing the necessary traction to advance their mission.

Our comprehensive strategy identifies frontline opportunities to propagate the gospel. This involves sending missionaries to specific regions and supporting existing gospel work in developing stages. Essential business trainings sustain the work, theological training equips the church to handle the word of God, and providing theological resources strengthens believers. Together, this approach ensures a holistic and impactful contribution to the forward movement of the gospel.

Give To The Global Advancement Initiative

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If you prefer to write a check, make it payable to “Serving Workers” or “SWH” and mail to:

Serving Workers for the Harvest
PO Box 705
Buda, TX 78610

Please include a note designating #150 Global Advancement Initiative

Financial contributions to Serving Workers for the Harvest qualify for Federal income tax-deduction to the fullest extent allowable by IRS guidelines.
To be consistent with legal requirements, discretion in the use and distribution of all donations is under the full control of SWH.
No goods or services, other than intangible religious benefits, are provided in exchange for gifts.