SARA Ministries

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SARA Ministry

Savior Alone Redeems Asians

Contact Information:  
Phone: +977 9840278179

Newsletter Signup: SARA Ministry

To glorify God by launching a movement, discipling church planters, caring for orphans, and bringing revival among believers in preparation for the coming of our King, the Lord Jesus Christ.

To expand God’s Kingdom for His glory throughout Nepal and South Asia by making disciples and multiplying churches.

In 1997, after much prayer, Pastor Sang and his family began SARA Church with four members, in a small rented room in Kathmandu, Nepal.

In the last 25 years SARA Ministries has focused their hearts on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20),  raising leaders (2 Timothy 2:2) and caring for widows and children (James 1:27).

The ministries of SARA have been blessed as they have birthed 25 churches, have a vibrant radio and television broadcast ministry and a ministry to care for the less fortunate children.

SARA Ministries Nepal
is a partner ministry of
Serving Workers for the Harvest.

Become a Donor Partner of SARA Ministries, Nepal

Give By Check

If you prefer to write a check, make it payable to “Serving Workers” or “SWH” and mail to:

Serving Workers for the Harvest
PO Box 705
Buda, TX 78610

Please include a note designating #498 SARA Ministries.

Financial contributions to Serving Workers for the Harvest qualify for Federal income tax-deduction to the fullest extent allowable by IRS guidelines.
To be consistent with legal requirements, discretion in the use and distribution of all donations is under the full control of SWH.
No goods or services, other than intangible religious benefits, are provided in exchange for gifts