Simple Yet Costly Plan of God

It was February of 2018 and Billy Graham had just died. Shawn Walker found himself contemplating Graham’s life and legacy when God revealed he would one day be part of ministry. Up to that point, Shawn never once considered ministry as an option. He was content just to know God and believed his roles at work would mark the next stages of his life. Much to his surprise, God had a different plan.

In the following five and a half years, God led Shawn to obtain a master’s degree, quit his job, sell his house, move to join a ministry in South Dakota, learn about discipleship, move back to Ohio, and start his own ministry, Stand and Walk. Through all the transitions, Shawn rarely had a clear picture of the Lord’s plan. Most of the time, God gave Shawn specific direction only at the moment he needed it.

Take the selling of his house, for example. In the three-month process of preparation, listing, and finalizing, God did not reveal specifically where He wanted Shawn to move. While in the middle of transferring the house to its new owners, Shawn and Carol decided to go out west to pray. For five days, they sought the Lord and for five days, received no answer. Finally, on the last day of their trip, God prompted Shawn to move to South Dakota.

Stand and Walk

Through all these twists and turns, Shawn learned about missional living, God’s trustworthy timing, and God’s heart for all people. The wild journey has shaped Shawn’s life and ministry with the belief that relying on Him is better than trying to make something happen. Simply, Stand and Walk looks for what God is doing today.

Furthermore, Stand and Walk does not have a specific goal to see people saved. Instead, the ministry aims to be attentive to the Holy Spirit and recognize His abiding presence and power. Shawn has probably prayed for more people while just abiding with God than any other time he’s considered, “What am I supposed to do?”. In the same manner, God has opened the doors for Shawn to speak many times at a church, disciple three different groups of people, start social media ministry, and help an organization build a succession plan.

Means and Method

Shawn’s prayer is that true disciples of Christ would be made and multiplied in throughout the world. Whether counseling through phone calls, walking through cities to pray, or making regular trips to SD, Shawn’s answer is “yes”. Day in and day out, he gives his time, attention, and effort to all that God has called him to. Shawn has laid down his very life and God is bringing the increase.

Prayer walking with
The Keystone Project
and the Indiana Dream Team

In terms of method, Shawn doesn’t have one! “As we pray and pursue, God shows us pace and purpose”, Shawn states. For some, Shawn starts with shifting the focus from “self” to the mission of God. For others, he un-teaches the notion that they must figure out how to be a better Christian to please God. By God’s grace, many are waking up to their true identities in Christ and becoming free.

“for it is God who is at work in you, both to desire and to work for His good pleasure.”

Philippians 2:13

Lastly, Shawn would like others to be aware of the enemy’s scheme against the Church. One tool Satan has used to prevent the body of Christ from truly loving one other is competition. God calls us to unity, therefore, we need to put aside competition, take up love, and encourage one another. After all, we are all only here because of God.

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